Saturday, May 18, 2013

It's Time

Some people say that in any hardships, one must learn to just "hang on", but that's probably in a different context. There are just instances in life that even when you're not ready, you have to let go, because the more you hang on, the more you'd kill yourself.

So, aruki... It's time.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Maybe it's time to give that heart of glass back. I can't man up to what I said before; I can only bring sadness and pain. I probably did change it to a heart of flesh, but in return, it felt more hurt, more suffering.

You deserve so much more, someone better. If I just scare you for whatever I say or do, that's the breaking point, right? It's time for me to give it up. I can't keep you for myself, I know that now.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


(Late entry, 5 April 2013)

So basically what i had in mind was a little off, and none of them were put into action. I guess it just goes to show that i'm all talk and no guts at all to do whatever i wished to do. I feel guilty having her take me around when she's not feeling very well, but i'm still thankful she went out of her way for me. It's not everyday you get to find someone who'd gladly pick you up from the airport, share stories over light breakfast with you, cab over the place you're staying at and help you with your luggage, spend the day at the amusement park, and end the night with awesome dinner with friends--all despite headache and dizziness and fatigue. Not to mention it was her birthday. I think i wanted to cry then.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and while ogling at live fishes and other marine life in the Aquarium (the place i loved to bits), it felt as though i did not want it to end; that i can spend even much longer time with her. Time seemed to stop in that place, indeed. And it was time well-spent; everything was worthwhile.

(Surely, i'd have died of cardiac arrest for all the time my heart banged so hard against my chest, had it not been for the many people swarming the place, and endless number of blank fish eyes all over us.)

I can replay the events that took place during that day, over and over again, inside my head.