Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Anew. A. New. Beginning.

Whoever said you have to wait for new year to start something? It just looks good starting something—anything—and putting the “01-01-YYYY” thing, but everyday is a new day; a chance to take up something that you’ve been meaning to do; take the first step and continue for the next 364 or 365 days! Hah!

That said, I’ve decided to start with my Project 52 again. 365 is too much for me, but, hmm, i can give it a shot. Time to take up the challenge this time and emerge victorious after a year! Yes! (All thanks to a certain someone who has inspired me for the past two months.)

So I guess I’d start off another—or rather, a new—blog entry for the year.

Not much interesting so far has happened to my life, unless, of course you’d count me starting with gym/workout again. For health reasons, i decided to start going to the gym again; for the past months, specifically during the latter part of 2012, it’s becoming difficult for me to climb the staircase, chase after the train, run after a burglar, save the world. It’s me getting old; it’s me and my old bones. Hahaha. Kidding aside, my back has been aching for good two months since July. I went to rehab and got treatment, but it’s not that worse to land me braces. Thank God. Just needed proper posturing and some pain meds if there’s really intolerable pain.

Besides back pain, there’s also me getting fatter. It’s sort of frustrating because I can’t really fit in my old costumes anymore, and wearing wigs somehow don’t have flattering effect anymore.

So taking a quick break from cosplay for a while, focus on more important things and gym, and work, and school, and family. LOL. I have no life. (Currently depending on the west wind to blow away the negativities.)

Personal (or maybe more on the physical) issues done, I remember during the start of the year, I happened to be tagged in people’s pics of their 2012 cosplays. I think it’s cool; some I have been a part of, some I simply ogle at like an idiot and admire from afar... some even literally from AFAR because seas and massive amount of land separate us. Anyhow, I decided to stop procrastinating and eventually made one, too. It was funny and sad at the same time. Funny, because fot the first half of the year, or at least through most of my cosplays, I look like a total dolt. Can only have mirthless laughter at some, whle some also garners the “Shit, seriously? I did this shit?” expression from me, followed by a hard facepalm. Good and bad memories came along the photos; bitter memories, sweet memories, the fun and the sad, crazy, almost everything. Some were priceless, some were easily trashed. And I’m not just talking about cosplay either.

Anyhow, I digress.

During the latter part of the year where most memories—where the mass of raw emotions and experiences were, stay the most vivid in my mind. The clearest will stay in my mind’s eye, for me to reminisce and bask upon. And for the bad ones to stay with me as lessons of the past that will guide me in the future relationships with people—friends and future enemies. It’s time I become more reflective with what I do everyday, gain more insight and continue to improve. After all, as i hear from few people I trust my life with, I am made for something greater. I just need to take the first step and... run like the wind!

And so, apparently, I am going in circles. Going all out without thinking; I’m good at that. (Just when I told myself I should get a hold of this blabbering online and start being noisier—within limits, of course—in real life.)


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