Monday, October 18, 2010

A Little Advice

I don't believe in horoscopes, nor do I follow their advice. Fortune cookies are not my thing, too, but considering these simple applications in FB have results that hits the bull's eye, who am I to complain?

Daily Horoscope:
Do you feel a little under the weather today, Leo? It's quite possible, considering all the emotional turmoil you've been through lately. It takes time to recover from such storms. As you know, the work itself isn't what gets you down. It's worry about the future that drains your energy. Give yourself a break today. Take some time for rest and recuperation.

Fortune Cookie:
Decide what you want and go for it. 

Yes, these little things make up my day. I suppose I really have to rest, stop worrying, reflect and... well, just live the day as I want to. :)

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